Body Image
We all know its unbelievably difficult to accept who you are and what your body looks like.
So I thought I would write this and tell you that you are not alone. No matter what age, gender, background, everyone goes through a stage of hating what they see in the mirror whether its something small or everything, and I was no exception.
And I'm not saying that I love myself, I don't think anyone properly gets to that point. It about learning to be content with your body, seeing what you perceive as flaws and accepting them.
It's taken me a long time to get to this point of not caring and accepting that if someone looks at me their not looking at my flaws, they probably either can't see it or don't care. And why care what others think about you anyway.
So this is the point where I would share with you what I see as my flaws and tell you about my weight struggles, in the hope that you either relate to me or so that you could understand why I have struggled to get to the point I'm at. But I'm not, not now anyway.
Because this post isn't about what I have learnt to accept its about what everybody should learn to accept. We all come in very different shapes, sizes, colours and just because you don't fit what we're all told we should look like by the media, does not mean your not beautiful or that others wont find you attractive.
Just be you.
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