Handmade Christmas
Nothing gets me in the festive mood more than whacking the Christmas music on repeat and doing some crafts.
And this year as I was looking at my rather larger collection of 'it will be useful someday' craft supplies I decided that instead of decorating my tree with just store brought ornaments I'd make some of my own. Here is a guide to a few I made.

1. Cut a length of wire about 30cm
2. Thread the beads onto the wire. Tip if you bend the end of the wire it stops the beads from being able to slip off. Be sure to leave 5cm without beads.
3.Bend the ends of the wire together and twist together 3 or 4 times. Cut off the excess, and bend up to hide the twist.
4. Bend the wire into a heart shape.
5. Cut a length of thread and tie each side to the heart.
This adorable Candy Cane is super easy and looks adorable hooked over a tree branch.
You'll need beads, I used an old pearl necklace I brought from new look when I was a teenager and never wore. I painted half the pearls red and left the others. You'll also need jewelry wire.
1. Cut a 20cm long piece of wire.
2. Twist one end into a knot and thread on beads, alternating red and white.
3. Twist the other end into a knot.
4. Bend into a candy cane shape.
To make this little wreath I used the same pearls from my old necklace but other beads would look great too, perhaps different green beads. You'll also need thin wire, thread to hang and ribbon to decorate.
1. cut a 20cm long piece of wire.
2. Thread on the pearls, remembering to leave some wire so it can be tied.
3. Twist the two ends together.
4. Tie a ribbon around the twist and tie into a bow.
5. Loop a length of thread and tie onto the wire.
Lastly this sweet little bow.
All you need are beads, thin jewelry wire, and thread.
1. Cut a 30cm long piece of wire.
2. Twist one end into a knot and thread on beads.
3. Twist the other end into a knot.
4. Bend into bow.
5. Loop a piece of thread and tie the thread in the middle of the bow to join the wire together.
So there you have it four really simple ornaments you can make over the festive period.
Happy crafting.
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