Pancake Recipe

- 100g plain flour
- 1 egg
- 300ml milk
- butter or oil to grease the pan.
Equipment you will need frying pan, whisk, mixing bowl, measuring jug, measuring scales, spatula.
These pancakes are so delicious and easy to make.
All you need to do is mix the egg and the flour until they are smooth.
You then add the milk a small amount at a time, whisking as you go until the whole lot is combined and you've made a smooth batter.
Now that you've made the batter its ready to cook.
Grease the pan and put it on the hob. Heat until the pan is hot.
Pour in a small amount of batter and rotate the pan to spread in a thin layer, leave until you start to see air holes appearing. Gently lift the pancake away from the pan using a spatula and look to see that the side is cooked.
Now you can be brave and flip the pancake in the air but its risky, so if your like me and you don't trust your coordination skills just flip the pancake with your spatula and leave until the side is cooked.
and there you have it, a delicious pancake. Now all you need to do is to fill it with whatever you like and tuck in.
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