Endometriosis : UPDATE

Seems like its never ending some times. Just as I think I've found something that settles well with me it decides not to be friendly any more.
So as I explained in my last update I had been treated with a chemical treatment that mimiced a menopause. A year I went though it and yes I know a lot of post menopausual women will read that and think 'a year what are you moaning about, mine went on for seven' but a year was more than enough for me. It was just horrible especially at twenty years old.
After my treatment I was told that if I didn't want my endometriosis to come back I would have to take the pill non stop. Non stop that means no bleeding at all, no breaks. And I wasn't happy I must admit beacuse over the years I have taken a variety of pills and every one has reacted badly with me. Nearly everytime my anxiety and mood was all over the place. It was like I was followed by a suficating cloud. But I hated the idea that all that horrendousness would be for nothing and the basterd (believe me that language is warrented) that is endometriosis would come back. So since January 2016 I have been taking it.
For the first 8 or so months it was actually surprisingly ok. I told my gynecologist that I had had bad reactions in the past so he decided to recommend a lower dose pill than your typical one. My mood was pretty normal. Normal ups and downs and not feeling like I was in a hole. And no periods or bleeding.
But for the last 4 months or so it has turned on me. Bleeding virtually non stop, headaches and migraines every day, achy and painful legs, tierdness, my anxiety has gone haywire and i've felt really down and teary on and off. Overall it's been horrible and I decided it is time to stop. Sadly my grandmother recently had a stroke, thankfully she is alright other than a slight weakness in one hand, so taking the pill non stop is probably not advisable to any of the women closely related to her or anyone who has had a stroke. Especially if your having headaches or pains in your legs.
So here I am pill free. I stopped taking it 3 days ago and so far I've just been feeling very strange, sleepy, and still not feeling well but from what I have heard from other women it can take a few months before your body adjusts.
I must admit I am terrified of my endometriosis coming back but if it happens I will deal with it then
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