Hair Donation
For the last couple of months I've been growing my hair to donate it.
It seems insensitive but I've never really cared about my hair. I've had it long and I've had it shaved and everything in between. I've had shitty hair cuts done with kitchen scissors and terrible home hair dye jobs and I've never really been precious about it. That being said maybe its because I always new that no matter what I did it would grow back or out. And knowing how quick my hair grows it would never be that long until it was a blank canvas again.
But I can't imagine losing my hair permanently or unexpectedly and without my choice. So I've often had a odd sense of guilt about not fully appreciating what I have.
A few months ago...
I was growing out my shaved pixie cut and it was getting annoyingly long for me so I decided I needed a cut. I remember looking in the mirror and realising that I probably needed four or five inches cut off. And I suddenly realised what a waste it was. 'I could probably make a wig out of this'. So I decided to look up how long hair would need to be to be donated and how easy it would be. According the charity I found 'the little princess trust' they need your hair to be at least 7 inches long but more than 12 is the dream. Apparently you can make an awesome long wig with that. Well I couldn't cut it then until it was 12 inches. I'm stubborn I guess. So about 6 months of seriously annoying hair growth later it felt like the time had come. It was long enough.
I know its a tricky thing to complain about given why I was doing this but I hate having long hair. It might be to do with my asperger's or maybe its just a comfort thing but some days I cant stand having makeup on or even moisturiser or my hair down or anything in my face. So it's been really tricky for me. I think its also good for me given that I hate change that I'm so ruthless with my hair. Its a small change in the grand scheme of things but it helps me to make safe little changes often. It almost like exposure therapy for me. So leaving it for so long has been a struggle and I had the most massive panic attacks in the days leading up to the cut and didn't sleep the night before.
But I managed to make it down to the hairdressers. She sectioned my hair in two and wrapped it in bands. Then the next thing I know the scissors were out and she was halfway through one of them. There was no going back. She cut the two of them off and there was a sudden weight lifted off me. Emotionally and physically. I was chuffed. In the end I was left with a short blunt bob and I'm in love. Not to mention the fact that I had 14 INCHES of hair cut off !! Its an amazing feeling to make a goal and achieve it. And I'm so happy that my hair will be going to someone that will really love it. I just hope that they can use all of it.

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